Encore Music Studios' January 2018 Newsletter
Encore Music Studios Family,
As we are well into the beginning of 2018, I'd like to touch base with everyone during this wildly fluctuating Central Ohio weather season. Encore has closed once this winter on Friday, January 12th. We always close for Level 2 Snow Emergencies. Check the www.encoremusicstudios.com homepage for Studio Weather Closure Updates during a Level 1 Snow Emergency. I will post whether Encore is open or closed by 2:00 P.M.
A big thank you to those of you who have automated your payments as I receive them reliably on time every month before the 25th! Anyone having difficulty remembering or not making regularly timed payments, I would recommend talking to your bank or accessing it online and setting up a regular payment by check or ACH. You may also enter your credit/debit card information and set up automatic payments after you login to our website. if you have any questions, please let me know!
While a definitive date for Spring Recitals is not yet set, we plan on holding them on a Saturday in mid-late April. We are looking forward to having many first-time participants involved! More information to follow.
Thank you to all you students and supportive parents for filling up your Practice Star Sheets with Gold Stars! Most of you are practicing 5-7 days a week! Some of you are practicing consistently but are forgetting to write down your practice sessions on the Practicing to be a Star sheets. Parents, please make an extra effort to remind your children to do this.
Most of all, thank you all for being a treasured part of Encore Music Studios and our mission to teach music through pursuing excellence, engendering enthusiasm, and creating enriching experiences within our teacher-student relationships!
Brad A., Director
Encore Music Studios